What Is Wedding Insurance?

February 12, 2024

Video Transcript:

Thank you for choosing the event helper and we hope you enjoy your wedding day. We often get the question what exactly is wedding insurance? The most common type of wedding insurance is wedding liability insurance. This is often required by the venue to protect the wedding couple in case they are liable for claims resulting from property damage and or injury that occurred during the event.

A real-world example we have encountered is a wedding at a beautiful historic venue. The groomsmen in charge of the drinks for the setup crew forgot to close the plug at the bottom of the cooler. We've all made that mistake, right? Unfortunately, this caused $10,000 in damage to the venue's antique hardwood flooring. The good news is that the couple purchased Event Helper wedding liability insurance, saving them thousands of dollars.

The process of purchasing wedding event insurance through The Event Helper is simple, quick and affordable. Click the link in the description of this video below and head to theeventhelper.com. There you will input the number of attendees as well as a couple of other basic questions and you will have your coverage emailed to you as soon as you check out. It's as easy as that.

Thank you for watching and remember, we're always available to take your event insurance related questions. Give us a call or shoot us an email. Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

This information is provided to assist you in understanding the coverage being offered and does not modify the terms and conditions of any insurance policy, nor imply a claim is covered. Specific coverage terms vary by class of business. See your policy for full details.